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Triumph in Christ | DECEMBER 18 |
OUR MANY MANSIONS In my father's house are many mansions. . . . I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2. There is a heaven for the people of God. Christ was sure about that. The everlasting gospel requires such a glorious consummation. Salvation does not stop at the grave. Christ brought life and immortality to light, a deliverance that reaches far beyond this present sinful world. Without the fulfillment of Christ's promise to us of many heavenly mansions, we can look only for disappointment and death. "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable" (1 Cor. 15:19). The promise is based on the truth of the resurrection. The triumphant resurrection of Jesus will be gloriously realized in His people. Enoch and Elijah ascended to heaven without seeing death. Moses was resurrected and taken to heaven. Both Elijah and Moses stood in their robes of light with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. At the close of His ministry Christ Himself was caught up from the Mount of Olives in a cloud of glory and returned to His heavenly Father. So it will be with us. We need a faith that rises beyond the sin and death of this life to the certainty of our future home in heaven. John describes life there with no night, no sorrow, no sighing, no tears, nor any more pain or death. There is no possibility of our being disappointed. Jesus Christ will return. He will resurrect His children to everlasting life. He will accompany us back to our Father's house where there are many mansions. These heavenly dwelling places are not temporary like the houses we have on earth. They are permanent residences, incorruptible, that fade not away. We shall experience the fullness of all that is good acrd true. We shall bear His image and likeness for all eternity. We shall be restored to perfect capacity of body, mind, and heart! What range of knowledge will be ours! What research into God's works! Our minds will be immensely enlarged, faculties refined and glorified, so that all the truth of God will be opened to our view. We shall witness to millions of other beings on other worlds, and enjoy fellowship with all the members of God's heavenly family. |